I work at a bar.
I live with someone.
I have friends.
I love reading.
That sums me up.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
I've always had a back-up apartment. I've lived with two guys (meaning most of the stuff went into their place but not all), I've had drawers at five guy's places, and I've always had an apartment. The two guys I lived with always wanted me to bring the rest of my stuff over and move in officially, but in the back of my brain there was always a flashing red light, "Warning, SipsWine, Warning."

So based on the above, it comes with monumental satisfaction, to say, "I'm moving in with Ben." It took only 28 years to feel comfortable enough with someone, to move in when they asked.

Needless to say, the experience is very new for me, and Ben is having a blast laughing at my questions and hesitations.
Me: So what are we going to do with chest of drawers?
Ben: Put it next to mine.
Me: But then we'll have two.
Ben: Is your chest of drawers full of clothes?
Me: Yes.
Ben: Then I guess we need two.


Me: Where will I hang my Audrey Hepburn pictures?
Ben: On the wall.
Me: Which one?
Ben: I don't care, any of them.
Me: But, which one do you want them on so they are out of your way?
Ben: Honey, this is your apartment now. I want them wherever you want them.

It'll take some getting use too.


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