I work at a bar.
I live with someone.
I have friends.
I love reading.
That sums me up.
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Big Gift vs. Small Gift.

Every year, for the last 28 of my life, my parents have gotten my brother and I a "big gift." That could mean an actual big gift (my dollhouse that my dad made for me when I was 6 or 7) or a "big" gift (like my American Girl's doll when there was only Molly, Kristin, and Samantha). Either way, my brother and I would open presents and then go find our "big gift."

This year, my brother and I decided that a "big" gift was in order for my parents who had a 1997 27 inch tv in their living room.

500 dollars later, we had a 32 inch (only size that would fit into their entertainment center), 1080, LCD, LED TV for them.

My mom and dad have not stopped talking about it since.
It's a nice feeling to give back some of what you've received.

Merry Christmas everyone.


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