I work at a bar.
I live with someone.
I have friends.
I love reading.
That sums me up.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

One year in the life of QSW.

Since we got the dog in June of last year, And it is/was August of this year.
I have one year to cover.

"Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up. Buttercup is marry' Humperdinck in a little less than half an hour. So all we have to do is get in, break up the wedding, steal the princess, make our escape... after I kill Count Rugen."

Mr. Lust and I continued.
Mr. Lust started getting more and more violent.
Mr. Lust doubled his work load and started watching his family's company lose profit all the same.
He started taking it out on me.
At first it was screaming and yelling over stupid things, like, "You said you would be home from work at this hour, and it was 30 minutes later," which would erupt into WWIII.
Then it was throwing things at walls.
Then it was throwing things at my direction.
Then it was throwing objects at the wall that I happened to be in (Aka, the recliner and me into the wall).
Then I got scared to leave him, or somehow I was always sucked back in.
Then finally, finally, he hit me in the back of the head and threw me down outside his house in front of a busy road. Cars slowed down to watch. I sobbed. And I finally woke up and grew the balls (pardon my French) to dump him and move out.
Two of my closest friends drove me to his house while he was at a baseball game, and we packed me and loaded up my friend's car in less than 30 minutes.
I got back to my apartment, which I hadn't really been in for a year, and unloaded it.
I think I shook the entire time.
There were a lot of nasty phone calls and texts after that from him, but thankfully it was pretty much over.

Part two coming soon...


Blogger Quarterlifegirl said...

Holy shit! So proud of you for getting out of that craziness! Way to good for that. Can't wait for part two...

September 2, 2009 at 1:31 PM  
Blogger jenniti said...

Wow, that's rough. Good for you for getting out. It couldn't have been easy.

September 2, 2009 at 7:20 PM  

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