I work at a bar.
I live with someone.
I have friends.
I love reading.
That sums me up.
Saturday, June 14, 2008

Remember Matt?

Some of you will remember my 1.5 years of my "Mr. Big relationship" with Matt, where we broke up twice and he was void of all emotions to me. I replaced the emotional void with sex, and we had a weird relationship of me caring, and when I needed reassurance, we would have sex. Needless to say, after awhile our relationship was just sex on his end, and we soon crumbled.

Matt kind of deals with life as it comes. So if I'm not around, he doesn't deal with me. In fact, even though Mr. Big always called Carrie throughout the seasons, Matt, I knew wouldn't. I figured that once he moved to California, that would be the last I ever saw or heard of Matt.

Imagine my surprise when I got an e-mail from him this morning.
It wasn't long, he basically asked me how I was doing and what I was up too because he hadn't talked to me in awhile. Yes, last time we talked was 9 months ago. I basically had a conversation about how I needed to get the last of my stuff before he moved, and I told him about Mr. Lust and he hung up refusing to give me a time when I could come over, and that was that.
I never got my stuff back.

I sat and stared at the e-mail. "What could have prompted this?" I wondered. After a few minutes I noticed the time stamp, 4:16am.
Drunk e-mails.
It made sense because the only time Matt ever showed emotion was when he was three sheets to the wind. In fact the only 2 times he said, "I love you" were both when he was drunk.
What was I thinking dating him?


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