I work at a bar.
I live with someone.
I have friends.
I love reading.
That sums me up.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Dream

I was running.
I didn't think I loved him anymore. I was running for that reason.
I slowed down after a minute... "Where was I running too?"
I realized I had no idea to my whereabouts and the answer to that question.
After another minute of walking and what’s when a sleek black car pulled up next to me.
"Do you need a ride?" offered Mr. Lust.
"Yes, thank you!" I said, and wondered how he knew to pick me up here.
I got in the car and I could tell something was wrong with my friend Mr. Lust.
It had just been like old times, us laughing and talking while we were running together.
Except now, we were in a car, Mr. Lust was obviously driving me somewhere and there was a tension in his face.
"Brian has something for you, and it’s in the glove compartment box," he said, obviously not wanting to talk about it.
Confused, I opened the box and found another black velvet box inside; I opened it and saw the most hideous ring ever.
It was gold (I hate gold) and had green leaves around a yellow diamond.
"Yuck," I said, realizing that I had been running from Brian because he wouldn't commit to me after 3 long years together.
"Is he proposing to me?" I asked astonished.
"It would look like it," Mr. Lust said not looking at me, but out the window.
"Why didn't he do it himself," I asked, looking down at the hideous ring.
"I don't know," Mr. Lust said, looking directly at me.
We drove awhile longer, and suddenly Mr. Lust pulled over.
Without saying anything, I threw my arms around him.
He responded and after while, we were both sitting in the backseat panting.
"I guess I'm going to have to say 'No' to Brian's proposal" I said laughing.
"Yea, about that," he said, his face tightening again, "Brian is waiting for you at the church, your wedding is today."
I sat, in shock, for two minutes.
My college friend Annette knocked on the window breaking me from my shocked state.
Luckily the windows were tinted and I quickly got on all my clothes.
I got out of the car and she was dressed in a hideous dress.
"I'm your maid-of-honor!" she said way to excited for Annette, "Your dress is waiting for you at the church but I saw you guys parked up here so I thought maybe you were having last second reservations."
"My dress?" was all I could say.
Annette hoped into the back seat and I into shotgun next to Mr. Lust who looked even more upset.
I walked into the church and there was everyone I knew.
My mom and dad hugged me.
My cousins congratulated me.
My grandparents were crying.

It was overwhelming.

I left the area and ran into Magic and LeggyBlonde who both congratulated me but looked confused on what I was doing. "Where is your ring?" LeggyBlonde asked.
I realized at that point I hadn't even bothered to put it on, but I had managed to hop in the back seat with Mr. Lust.
"I need air" and excused myself from them.
I stood, staring at the wall, at one of the back tables in the church.
A man walked up to me and said, "Jeez, it was a long time getting here! This place is hard to find." I didn't even look at the man who was standing next to me.
"Are you ok?" he asked, concern in his voice.
I turned and found that Dave Foley was the one who couldn't find the church.
"I'm ok," shocked now because I was getting married and Dave Foley was at my wedding.
Dave Foley must have realized I wasn't expecting him because he said, "I'm a long-time friend of Brian's."
"Oh. He didn't mention it," I said, numb, "Where is he?"
"Probably at the front of the church," he said slightly amused by me.
I turned, walked to my parent's table, told them I couldn't go through with it, and went to find Brian.
When I finally saw him, he smiled, waved and disappeared again.
At that moment I saw my bridesmaids, they were all dressed in hideous purple and black gowns, they were all people I didn't know, and they were all African American.
I looked over at Annette, the only white girl, and dressed in a hideous pink and neon green gown and mouthed the words "No way."
I lost it.
I screamed, "I CANNOT DO THIS!!" turned, ran out of the building, crying and right into the arms of Mr. Lust.
"You want me to drive?" he asked.
"Yes, " I choked out before sobbing some more.
I chucked the ring at Brian before we officially peeled out.
"I think I love you Mr. Lust," I said.
"I know I love you QSW," he said.
"You're always trying to one-up me aren't you?" I said smiling.

I woke up, grabbed the water bottle off the table, finished it, turned to Mr. Lust who looked concerned.
"You were tossing and turning in your sleep," he said.
"I'm so glad we aren't married, and I think we need to not watch The Graduate for a long time," I said before laying back down and curling up with him.

"I never know what you are going to say."


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