I work at a bar.
I live with someone.
I have friends.
I love reading.
That sums me up.
Friday, May 2, 2008

Indiana weather

Indiana weather is some of the craziness I've seen.
We normally don't have earthquakes, tornados, or gale force winds... wait.. yes we do
Ok, We normally don't have tsunamis or hurricanes.

That's better.

Thats not the crazy part. The crazy part is the time between April and June and September and November. Those periods, known as Spring and Fall are the crazy times in Indiana.
I remember in high school waking up and turning on the car in the morning so it would defrost. In the afternoon when I got out, I had the AC on full blast.

Today I got up, and it was warm and sunny. By noon it was raining hard. When I got off at 2pm, it was cool and damp.
I wonder what it will be when I got back to work at 5pm.
I'll probably need a down-filled jacket.

I can't wait for June.


Blogger Bittersweet Confusion said...

So Mother Nature is on crack eh? Yeah it's getting to be the same in NY too...

May 2, 2008 at 2:28 PM  

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