I work at a bar.
I live with someone.
I have friends.
I love reading.
That sums me up.
Thursday, September 20, 2007

Actors From The London Stage

What a piece of work is man
How noble in reason
How infinite in faculties
In form and moving
How express and admirable
In action how like an angel
In apprehension how like a god
The beauty of the world
The paragon of animals

I have of late
But wherefore I know not
Lost all my mirth
This goodly frame
The earth
Seems to me a sterile promontory
This most excellent canopy
The air-- look you!
This brave o'er hanging firmament
This majestical roof
Fretted with golden fire
Why it appears no other thing to me
Than a foul and pestilent congregation
Of vapors

So I have Shakespearean actors running around my office all week. They are here to perform Macbeth on Friday and Saturday, but during the week they are doing a special program where they go into some of our classrooms and basically teach a class.

With their purring British accents and creative use of swear words, I haven't minded a bit. It's always a trip for me when I pour my coffee and a British man walks in after me and says, "Bloody Hell, you Americans make your coffee strong!"
Since I live in Indiana and usually the coffee here looks like brown water, I feel complimented by that instead of insulted (I make the coffee).
Yesterday I escorted one of the actors around campus and to his classrooms so that he wouldn't get lost. Since it was about a ten minute walk from his hotel, he decided to ask some thoughtful questions, one was, "Why do Americans think that a British accent is so sexy?"
I laughed at first, and then after the awkward laughed died away I said, "I think its the same reason that they like the Aussie accent, it's understandable, yet different."
It was replied with, "So different is good then?"
"No, not really different. You'll notice most of the girls here don't chase after Asian men, or Indian men, because they are too different. Americans don't like change, but they are always ready to have something new and in style."
"Well that's sort of depressing dontcha think?" he asked.

Yes. Actor Dan. Yes it is.


Blogger Len said...

I actually think the British accent is a bit tiring to listen to.

I loooooove the American accent. Especially in foreign languages ;)

September 20, 2007 at 8:06 AM  
Blogger WiscoBlonde said...

I think you have a very fun job.

September 20, 2007 at 11:22 AM  
Blogger Sipwine said...

Lenfer: haha, to each his own. Personally an accent doesn't do much for me at all, doesn't matter what nationality... wait... thats not true... I did meet an Irish man once, and I'd have to say, I found myself listening with full attention to his accent.

WB: I think so too, i'm kind of lucky in this department

September 21, 2007 at 7:36 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...


Not depressing at all.

But then it would depend on which side of the equation one is on.

September 21, 2007 at 11:29 AM  

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