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Friday, August 3, 2007

What do you look for in a wine?

I love the BBC news.

So I was interested when I saw an article titled "Don't know your Merlot from your elbow?"

At the end of this article there were people's comments on how they pick their wine at the store. I thought I'd share a few with you:

"The bigger the dent in the bottom of the bottle, the better the wine (so I've been told)."
Kate, Bristol

I go for three things:
1. Full bodied
2. New world
3. Half price
It's served me well so far.
Sue, London

My criteria:
1. must be between £5 and £10;
2. must have an animal on the label;
3. must be from S. Africa, Chile or Australia and
4. definitely not French.
Derek Ramone Crawford, Edinburgh, Scotland

I always choose my wine by the alcohol volume.
Mandy Phelps, Quedgeley, Gloucester, UK

All my family choose on the shape of the bottle. A nicer shaped bottle is bound to have nice tasting wine inside and a boring, plain bottle something not so nice.
Annabel Cook, Ipswich

I prefer a nice grape juice, and tend to find it tastes of grapes...
Alex El Jundi, The Hague

I think I'm going to have to take some of these people's advice, especially that last guy... man, he knows how to pick 'em!


Blogger Len said...

Awesome. The first bottle of wine I ever bought I chose because a guy next to me (who looked very very gay) chose it. I just chose the same because I assumed gay men would know the good wines.

It was crappy. And acidic. ;)

August 3, 2007 at 3:05 PM  
Blogger amanda jennifer said...

"I choose my wine by alcohol volume" is actually kind of a great way to look at it.

I used to work at a wine shop... before I turned 21, years ago. So all of the potential wine learning I could have done was lost, and now I just try and pick labels that I recognize from those days.

August 4, 2007 at 3:16 PM  
Blogger Bittersweet Confusion said...

I pick anything in a Cabernet that's under $15 and not in a box... That stuff is all kinds of awful.

August 7, 2007 at 12:50 PM  

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