I work at a bar.
I live with someone.
I have friends.
I love reading.
That sums me up.
Monday, August 20, 2007

Those four letter words...

"I love...(hand slapped over mouth)" (pause) "Shit"

"It's OK, you are drunk," I said, holding onto his belt so he didn't fall over, he refused to sit.
He continued to hold his hand over his mouth. He had been saying how much he LIKED me all evening.
"You look like an idiot standing there swaying with your hand over your mouth," I said, smiling.

It looked as if I was dating a twelve-year-old boy who just slipped up in front of his girlfriend and almost told her he loved her...
...it didn't really look like that, it pretty much was the situation, considering alcohol turns any twenty-six-year-old man into a twelve-year-old boy.

"I'm sorry," he said, finally taking his hand away from his mouth.
"Um... no problem, it's not like you called me a name, you were being affectionate," I said, "I'm really not upset."

He hummed.

Humming is a new thing for me. I've seen people look away in deep thought, I've seen people have nervous twitches like yanking their ear when they were thinking, but never have I heard someone go "Hmmmmmmmmmmmm" briefly and then change the subject.

But that was NG for you, always interesting quirks. RHM looked at me with a question mark look on her face, I just waved my hand. It was too hard to explain the humming to someone who never got to know anyone long enough learn someone's quirks.

I went back to talking to RHM, just not about the humming.
A few moments later I saw her staring at NG.
I turned to look, mind you, I still had my hand on his belt.
He was staring at me.
It was kind of creepy to me because he had an INTENSE stare on me, I let go of the belt, thinking he was angry at that.
Not knowing what to say to the drunk man, I said a very lame, "Hi."
"You are so beautiful," he said.
"Thanks..." I said, matching my skin to my hair color and laughing nervously, "So are you..."

NG was really drunk, and it was funny being sober and watching him, at least to RHM and myself.

Right about that time, he made a sudden movement to turn around, and before I could re-grab his belt, his hand came flying around and hit his Long Island right into my lap.
It was cold, and it was funny.
I started laughing.
Apparently every other girl he's dated has gotten really pissed off if he's done something like that, so he immediately started apologizing so profusely that I was almost annoyed.
"NG!!" I said, grabbing a hold of his face with both of my hands, "I'm not upset, but if you keep apologizing I'm going to slap you."
"Then why don't you kiss me if you aren't upset?" he said.

The boy was a quick one, even drunk.

Laughing, and still holding onto his face, I kissed him hard.
I could hear RHM and NG's roommate making noises that sounded like gagging.

"Whoa there killer, with kisses like that I'm going to start to think you want my babies or something crazy like that," he said, in a drunk stagger away from the table towards his friends whom were playing darts.
I was smiling at him and watching him walk away, he was smiling and turning around to look at me.

Though... My smile fell and I took off from the table when I realized he was going to try to play darts...


Blogger Scotty said...

Alcohol, todays truth medicine.

August 20, 2007 at 8:53 PM  

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