I work at a bar.
I live with someone.
I have friends.
I love reading.
That sums me up.
Monday, July 16, 2007

You know you are in a relationship when...

...the following conversation happens.

Text Messages:
Me: When you get a chance I need to talk to this week.
NG: Is it bad?
Me: Maybe, I don't know how you are going to handle it.
Me: Don't worry its not about us, I like you despite your ego ;)

NG calls me.

NG: OK, tell me.
Me: Now? You have a free moment?
NG: Yea, I pulled over the car.
Me: (Wondering what he thinks this about)Um...ok...I'm moving in with ID, because RHM just informed me that she is moving back home and I cannot afford to live by myself.
NG: Geeeeeezus. I thought you were going to tell me you were pregnant.
Me: (after momentary heart attack)Um no in fact Aunt Flo left my apartment on Saturday.
NG: Really? How? Are you lying?
Me: (wondering why on earth she'd be lying) Yes, really, how? It happens to the best of us women.
NG: That would make it only 3 days long.
Me: I know.
NG: That's not possible, they take 7 days.
Me: (now really laughing)Not every girl, and I REALLY REALLY don't want a baby. In fact I think my heart hasn't slowed from when you said my name and pregnant in the same sentence.
NG: Oh........ Why? Thought of having a kid with me scare you?
Me: I'm not having this conversation.
NG: You brought it up!
NG: I know you told me, Why would I care? He's harmless, and you've already told him you weren't going to date him so I'm not worried about it.
Me: Ok, I'm going to go eat.
NG: wait, hold on..
Me: Interrupting)Bye Darling!(in fake falsetto voice)


Blogger Len said...

Oh yeah... it takes 7 days... lol! :-D

July 17, 2007 at 1:36 AM  
Blogger Scotty said...

I like how he focused on something that was totally not the main topic, and that was also not true. Eh, good example of the stereotypical guy.

July 17, 2007 at 10:54 AM  
Blogger DCchick said...

why is it that anytime you tell a guy you are dating that you need to talk to them about something they INSTANTLY jump to pregnancy???

Too funny about the 7 day thing. That's what happens when the only way kids learn sex ed is at a school sex ed class. :)

July 17, 2007 at 1:45 PM  
Blogger Sipwine said...

Lenfer: haha..:) sry i used your idea, i have an eye in my profile now.

Scotty: haha...most guys do this? its very frustrating you know.

DC: I don't know... but in Indiana thats one way to get a man to marry you. Scary huh? I'd rather not push out 8lbs outta my body so that I can secure a penis that will make me feed and dress him every day... i wasn't talking about the baby either... I think NG is very innocent to relationships.

July 17, 2007 at 5:32 PM  
Blogger DoesItReallyMatter? said...

A.) *cheer* on eyes. :D
b.) More than what do NOT do it...pretty much as Scott said, the perfect instance of the sterotypical male.
c.) That's the general consensus in most countries, let alone simply Indiana.
c.) As for the dressing and feeding...I dress myself quite well thank you :P

July 17, 2007 at 10:12 PM  
Blogger Len said...

Sipwine, now we can look at each other ;)

why is it that anytime you tell a guy you are dating that you need to talk to them about something they INSTANTLY jump to pregnancy???

Because they are EXTREMELY scared about it. (Last case in point... "I'm on the pill." "Are you sure?"... god!)

in Indiana thats one way to get a man to marry you.

Is that a US-specific thing? Or only in Indiana?

July 18, 2007 at 8:49 AM  
Blogger DoesItReallyMatter? said...

In Indiana thats one way to get a man to marry you.

I've actually noticed that in a multitude of countries; Italy, France, Australia, India, Japan, and to a lesser extent even Iraq.

Because they are EXTREMELY scared about it. (Last case in point... "I'm on the pill." "Are you sure?"... god!)

Not EVERY male is extremely horrified at the thought of kids. I personally, would ADORE having a child of my own at this point...I'm tired of "playing the field." I'm far and away completely ready to settle down and start a family. Sadly, there's a grand total of 2 women that I know of that I'd be willing to do so with...one of which is quite out of reach

July 19, 2007 at 10:08 PM  

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