I work at a bar.
I live with someone.
I have friends.
I love reading.
That sums me up.
Friday, July 6, 2007

No.. let me sum up.

In the Princess Bride there is a famous quote that goes something like:
"Let me explain, no, too much, let me sum up."
That is what you are getting since I'm at my grandparents house.

Matt and I broke up.
I was upset.
I got drunk a few times, and made mistakes like sleeping with GH.
He told me it didn't matter because he was breaking up with Medusa and that he hadn't had sex with her.
Medusa is moving in with FN at the end of the month.
GH said he was going to tell Medusa on June 30th.
He was a man of his word, until I found out that he only told her that it happened once and that it was because we were both drunk.
He wasn't drunk.
He e-mails me a few days later and askes if I had any STDs even though I told him before I hadn't any.
I realized he was going to have sex with her, and she didn't know the whole story.
I realized that she was going to lose her virginity to him as a desperate way of saving their relationship which they decided to "work out" even though he had said he wanted to break up with her.
After extensive converation with RHM and FN we decided that it would be best that Medusa know the whole story through one e-mail and promise her that I'd never contact her again.
I sent it.
She replied saying that she had been having sex with GH since the BEGINNING OF APRIL.

I realized that even though Matt was horrible, GH was probably one of the most snide, arrogant, asshole, ex-boyfriends I've ever had. Medusa agrees but doesn't want to ever talk to me again.
Honestly, I don't ever want to talk to her either.


Blogger Scotty said...

You're better off without the both of them. Let them swim in their own craziness.

July 6, 2007 at 7:17 PM  
Blogger Bridget M. Burns said...

Wait... Medusa is moving in with FN? ...why? Will that suck for you?

July 6, 2007 at 8:47 PM  

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