I work at a bar.
I live with someone.
I have friends.
I love reading.
That sums me up.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

How do men think?

So NG and I have been keeping the fact we are dating on the down low.
The other night, I told NG that I'd like to say something to ID about us dating.
He agreed, so we decided that the next time ID calls me, and if I wasn't going to hang out with him, to tell him I was going to go hang out with NG.
ID needs to realize that two of his friends are dating.
So yesterday was SY's birthday.
I sent a text message to NG, and ID to remind them.
NG calls me later and asked if I wanted to hang out.
I said I did, and he said he'd call me later in the evening.
ID called me to tell me he got a job interview and then asked what I was doing.
I didn't have the nerve then to tell him, so I said I didn't know for sure.

Later, ID called me again, and I knew I had to say something.
RHM watched me pick up the phone, then set it down, then pick it up, then set it down... before asking what the hell I was doing.
At that point I had missed the call, so I explained to her what I was doing, and I told her I had no idea what to say.
She gave me some pointers, and I picked up my phone to call ID back.
It ran in my hand.
It was NG.
I answered and he said "Have you talked to ID yet?"
I explained to him what was going on, and he said, "Good, cause I kind of told him that I was hungry so he suggested we all go to Chumleys together and I agreed."

Not. What. I. Wanted. To. Hear.

So FatherIrishDrinker, PlanRuinerNotGay, MyFavoriteRoommateRedHotMama, and I went to Chumleys.
And sat until 10:30 talking.
It was a pleasant night, but not what I wanted.
RHM felt bad for me, because she knew how frustrated I was.

Later after everyone was home, I recieved a text message from NG.
"I wish you weren't so ashamed of leaving here in the morning" was all it said.
I replied with a definite no-way-was-I-ashamed text, but it wasn't answered.

So I think I might have struck a nerve by not staying with him.

Or maybe its just that he knows I spent a lot of time at Matt's place and I'm not doing so with him.
I don't know.
I'm lost when it comes to men's minds.


Blogger Scotty said...

Why doesn't NG just tell ID? The whole 'ashamed' comment sounds like a bit 'o passive aggressiveness :)

June 21, 2007 at 7:52 PM  

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