I work at a bar.
I live with someone.
I have friends.
I love reading.
That sums me up.
Saturday, April 7, 2007

Positive Bitch

GH and I use to play the game called Katamari.
I recently stole it from him, and stole a playstation from Matt.

Today GH came over for Melinda because she had called me asking to borrow my mixer.
I'm a regular Martha Stewart and she's a regular Betty Crocker.
She sent him to get the mixer, when I even offered to bring it over to her.
I was playing Katamari when he arrived (walking right into my apartment without pausing to knock, just like old times), I had meat defrosting on the counter, and I had a cake mix out on the counter.
"Whatcha up too?" he asks when he waltzes into my room.
Before hearing my response, he sits down on my bed with me, and says "Oooooo, Katamari, remember when you and I would play this game until 4 in the morning, drinking wine?"
A quick judgement of the situation led me to quickly pause the game, say "uh huh" nonchalantly, and walk into my kitchen where the mixer was.
He followed like I knew he would.
"Here it is,"I said and gave him brief instructions on using it.
He saw the food, and asked what I was up too, and like a dumb ass, I told him the truth.
Honesty thing....
"FD, RHM, and I are going to eat dinner then watch LOTR." I said.
"Oh awesome, can Melinda and I join you?" he said.
"Uh... sure" I said, without much thought before saying "sure."
"Great" he said, and like that he was out the door, leaving me wondering why the hell I just said what I said.
"Oh well," I thought, "Melinda won't want to come over here and she owns his balls."
Of course, I was wrong.
So now I've spent an evening of GH and Melinda... I'm so irritated right now I could spit at them.
Melinda first beats down my brother with her idiotic behavior and womanly wiles making him change into something he wasn't, and now I'm watching GH doing the same which is not something I wished for him.
Best part yet.... Melinda is a virgin, saving it for Mr. Right... she hates even fooling around.
I have no idea what she does to get men to run around after her.
IN fact my brother's number one complaint about her (he'd bitch up a storm when he went out to the bars without her) was the fact that she loved to sleep naked, but if he TOUCHED her she'd slap him really hard, sometimes when he didn't even mean too.
Fucking cock tease.
Melinda is very gorgeous with little to NO self esteem.
She has long braids in her hair that makes her look almost Jamacian.
My nickname for her is "Medusa."
At the end of the evening FN and RHM were the only two there, and they both looked at me smirking, and asking "How was your evening?"

"Medusa can eat my cunt," I retorted, which is language I don't use and something I wouldn't say even with better language, they also didn't know my nickname for her.
FN was crying he laughed so hard, RHM's laugh was pure evil.
"You are a positive bitch" he says "you may be a bitch but you're never negative or nagging or complaining, you are just positively hilarious."


Blogger The Accidental Bitch said...

No wonder GH is still so sweet to you. For some reason, I feel like if he was getting it from Medusa, he would be busy doing that instead of taking you to Chicago.

April 8, 2007 at 10:18 AM  
Blogger Sipwine said...

Yea, I don't know.
He still runs around telling me about the one time he called me "his soul mate."
I wish Medusa would drop her pants for him.
It would make my life easier

April 9, 2007 at 4:41 PM  

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