I work at a bar.
I live with someone.
I have friends.
I love reading.
That sums me up.
Monday, March 12, 2007
So, Matt is in Chicago.
RHM who I live with is acting bitchy.
MM and MW have lots of baby stuff to do.
ID is out of town.
Wait, most of campus is out of town (spring break).

Saturday night, I was bored.

Since I know the code to Matt's apartment, and I wanted to stay the hell away from RHM, I went there after eating dinner with MM and MW.
I just wanted to watch movies and be alone.

I grabbed a bag of Oreos and a half gallon of milk and curled up on his futon and turned on the TV.
I had told him I might stay at his apartment before he left, and I told him that I'd do his dishes for him as a thank you.
That seemed like a good trade to him.
Around 12ish, I grew tired.
I fell asleep.
At 5 am I woke up from perhaps one of the worst nightmares I've ever had.
Let's just say there were talking cut-off heads in my dream.
I have no idea how my mind came up with the horror I saw in my dream.
It was worse than any scary movie I've seen.


After cooling off from the heated sweat I was in, I realized I was in a weird state.
I was too tired to drive, but there was no chance I was going back to sleep.
I had to wake up, because I was terrified to go back to sleep.
I started doing dishes...
After they were done I still didn't want to sleep.
I started picking up the living room...
After it was picked up and vacuumed, I still didn't want to sleep.
I started cleaning the bathroom sink...
After the bathroom sink was cleaned, the floor was cleaned, the toliet was cleaned, and all the dirty laundry had been removed and put in its appropriate place...

I was tired, and I wanted to sleep.


Blogger Del said...

I just stumbled across your blog.
Its great.
Is Matt your boyf? (Sorry i should read thru to catch up shouldn't I?)

March 12, 2007 at 5:27 PM  
Blogger Sipwine said...

lol, you'd have a year and another blog to catch up with Matt and my relationship with him.
But yes, he's my boy.
And yes, sometimes he's an ass.
He's what keeps life interesting for me. :)
I hope you come back.

March 12, 2007 at 8:21 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Does Matt know how much of a good thing he's onto* with you?

*Intentional double entendre.

March 13, 2007 at 9:58 AM  
Blogger Sipwine said...

Lol, I don't know about that, I have my girl moments.
Like the post above this. Definitely not cool what I did, so I think the good and the bad even out in the end.

March 13, 2007 at 10:42 AM  

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