I've come to the conclusion that I am like a Golden Retriever.
Golden Retrievers by nature would lick someone to death if gotten the chance.
They are very quick, and smart to learn what they can get away with.
When they are bad, they slink away in such a way that the owner becomes completely guilty and within 4 or 5 minutes is ready to completely forgive.
Golden Retrievers will actually let someone they love sink their teeth into their ears or tail (I know because at two I apparently did this), all they'll do is wimper.
They'll love you immediately afterwards if you rub their stomach.
They are content to play a game of fetch.
They are content to eat.
They are content to be left alone.
They are content to take a nap at your feet.
And I think after awhile, that gets annoying.
You forgot to mention that they are totally adorable too =)
I'm sooo not adorable.
I'm an asshole.
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