Documentary Kick...
Continuing our documentary kick, Matt and I watched Grizzly Man.
This man is insane.
The best scene (for me) was when a grizzly bear walked up to Timmy (the man in the title) and tried to head butt him. He pushed back with both of his hands and said "Don't you do that! Bad Bear!" and then the bear turned to go (which was amazing enough) and he said, "Don't go! I love you, I love you! Don't go away!"
You would have to watch the movie to see the true extent that this man (who died from a grizzly bear) would go to be with this animal. Matt and I sat for most of the movie saying things like "WTF?" and "Holy HELL!" He truely was one of a kind.
I recommend this one to any one.
This man is insane.
The best scene (for me) was when a grizzly bear walked up to Timmy (the man in the title) and tried to head butt him. He pushed back with both of his hands and said "Don't you do that! Bad Bear!" and then the bear turned to go (which was amazing enough) and he said, "Don't go! I love you, I love you! Don't go away!"
You would have to watch the movie to see the true extent that this man (who died from a grizzly bear) would go to be with this animal. Matt and I sat for most of the movie saying things like "WTF?" and "Holy HELL!" He truely was one of a kind.
I recommend this one to any one.
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